Wednesday, October 26, 2011

If I was Green I Would Die! So I'm Blue:)

 No offense to the wonderful Mrs. Hautigan, but it’s all about the blue tape! Blue tape is absolutely AMAZING! That’s why it is now mandatory that it be put on every single white board in our school, and boy! Am I happy to see that! I know now exactly where to look when I want to see the day’s lessons. It helped me through a rough time in my life. (Flashback) You see, before blue tape came into my life, I could never ever find the lesson of the day. I used to look left, right, down, up, and then left again! I was so confused! But then the best thing happened, better than when they put jellyfish jelly on the krabby patties! My teachers put blue tape on the board! I could see clearly now that the blue tapes put on! I can see all the homework for to-daeeeeyyy! It was an absolute miracle! It’s not like I was always on the honor roll previous to its great appearance in my life, or anything (heh heh). Tape by any other color, is NOT as sweet! I know have something purposeful to look forward to every weekday from 7: 40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and that is walking into a classroom with blue tape all over the board. Like, can life get any better?! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

" I'm Gonna Beat You 'TIl There's Nothing Else to Beat!"

Domestic violence has many names, like domestic abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV)Domestic violence is a problem that has been around for centuries, whether it’s been known or not. It’s a problem that shouldn't, but can happen to any and everyone. Domestic violence can be physical), verbal (threats), sexual, emotional, and even economic.  

Physical abuse consists of kicking, biting, slapping, throwing objects, and etc. Verbal abuse is a form of abusive behavior involving the use of language; most times contain profanity and threats. Sexual abuse is any situation when sexual activity is forced and unwanted. Emotional abuse can include controlling the victim, choosing what they can and can’t do, and holding information from or against the victim or even humiliating the victim privately or publicly. Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one partner has control of the economic resources of the other partner.

Any type of these abuses can cause serious damage to everyone, family members, friends, even young children. It is known that in certain households, more than you’d think, women, children and sometimes, but rarely, even men are abused. One in four women and one in nine men has experienced some type of domestic violence in their lifetime. Every hour 115 kids are being abused , which, in the long run, affects the child and the child’s children’s and so on because studies show that most victim of a violent home or of being abused , end up abusing children of their own. According to Abused children or children that witness domestic violence in their homes, end up being arrested four times more often than a child who hasn’t been abused at all and that they are more likely to do bad in school and make trouble making friends. This shows how it affects everyone, even the innocent ones.

The effects of a traumatizing event like this results in high amount of stress, fear, and anxiety. The affects on children include them suffering in emotional and psychological welfare. It also affects how the child develops emotionally, socially, and behaviorally. But these symptoms aren’t for everyone for the reason that everyone responds to certain situations differently than other.  

There are many explanations on the causes of domestic violence. Whether they’re good explanations or not, no one in their lifetime should have to deal with this type of mental stress that will follow them all throughout their lives and predict how they’ll grow up and treat their future family.

If you hear, see, or think there is some type  of domestic violence going on in your environment, report it—tell an adult, a teacher, or a parent. Get help for the one in need; even if it is you. you have the power to Help put a stop to the torture the victim is going through. You can go on the National Domestic Hotline at for help or call their number(s) 1-800-799- SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224. remeber, no one deserves to be hit, help stop the violence.